Jott is pretty cool,…

Jott is pretty cool, I am calling my iPhone right now and if everything works on you will be _____ on my blog. well, I am impressed if it works. listen Powered by Jott Update: This was posted within about a minute after I called it in. The missing words should read “you will be … Read more

Robert Capa’s Lost Negatives

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This slide show at the New York Times shows the immediacy of Capa’s work, and explains why this is a huge find in the world of photography. I’ve always been drawn to photojournalism and street photography, less to the more obviously contrived fashion and fine art. Capa’s work is important, and not among my favorites, ... Read more

Links to 60 Photoshop Tutorials

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Via, 60 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials – Top Web Resources. I love Photoshop tutorials. The more I learn about Photoshop the more I love it.


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Eric posts a photo a day of Paris. We’ll have to meet him when we go back!