Obama Wins Nobel?!
Jumpin cats. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.?!
Personal Technology Coaching
Jumpin cats. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.?!
While flying and blogging, Roy Buchanan is making my headphones smoke. Trying not to alarm the other passengers, but it’s difficult. Posted via email from timmerritt’s posterous
On my way to Boulder, where Ellen gets some well-deserved recognition for her work and I get to hang out in a nice mountain town during the day and be arm candy at night. Oh, the life. This photo is from seat 15E on AirTran 301, just a few minutes ago. You’re seeing it thanks … Read more
Water is the WordPress theme I use here and on my DV for Teachers site. The original developer has long since left this theme behind, so this is a bookmark to the current developer (thanks) to make sure I can find its new home again.
http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/10/weekly-standard-newsroom-erupts-into-cheers-at-news-of-olympics.php Posted via email from timmerritt’s posterous
Happy Birthday, Jack! Rigt now: The Marching Yellow Jackets are marching. Muggy, wondering when today’s 90% chance of rain becomes 100% actual rain, but having fun at the game. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACK! Posted via email from timmerritt’s posterous
A small slice of my commute, paralleling GA 400 between the stations at Buckhead and near Northside Hospital.
We have had rain, we have it now, and they say we’ll have it for the next week. Map image grabbed from the excellent WunderMap site. You can have your Weather Channels; this is way mo better.
Download now or watch on posterous IMG_0912.MOV (2702 KB) Wayne extolls the virtues of the local brew. Posted via email from timmerritt’s posterous
Posted via web from timmerritt’s posterous