Happy Almost New Year

Just a moment to wish all a Happy New Year for 2007. Many changes and new things are coming for me and my family, and I wish us and you the strength and wisdom to meet what comes with equanimity and even joy. Embrace it when you can, tolerate it when you need to, endure … Read more

Last Minute

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E and I just returned from some final shopping errands, including a case of wine for us and whoever is around to help with it over the next month or two. The image I put up with this post – those snowflakes grabbed from the screensaver – is a nod to the season; it’s actually … Read more

Birthdays All Around

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Plenty of company; Janine and Bryan and Alysse and Sean, and Wilma and Ed, and Debbie, and Pete and Nana, and the four of us, all for the birthdays of Jack and Nana and me. Good food, lots of stories and presents and Ellen made tiramisu. It was really good.


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Had a car wreck today with Jack in the car – as far as we know now, nothing worse than a bump on my head from one of those hand-holds on the interior of the car right above the door – mild concussion, a gash with 8 staples in it, a little stiffness, and burn … Read more

Jack has Graduated!

Jack walked across the stage today and got his diploma. All congratulations to him! We had a huge lunch celebration at Maggiano’s; he moves back in with us next week.

“How To Backup Your Mac Intelligently”

Via the catch-all site PopUrls.com, I found How To Backup Your Mac Intelligently. It calls for a Ubuntu server for backups; we’ve got enough old computers to do this; if we don’t a used unit from somewhere ought to be cheap enough. Will’s Win98 machine (he likes 98 despite the problems it causes and the … Read more

Cedar Plank Salmon and Snow Flurries

There’s a large fillet of wild-caught salmon smoking on the grill, a very light snow is falling (nothing will stick, but in Atlanta, that’s cool), we’re drinking good red wine, a Gershwin special is on the radio, and we’re going to watch Almodovar’s Talk to Her. I feel rich.

Thinking about the Beach

So I changed the photos – the top is Jekyll Island, Georgia, about two and a half years ago, and the little pic is some flowers in a planter at Seaside, Florida. Thinking about warm weather!

Happy New Year…

...with crab cakes! Ellen and I had the house, and New Year’s Eve, to ourselves last night. We had homemade crab cakes, asparagus, salad, and peach sorbet, with a nice 2003 merlot. We welcomed the new year listening to H. Johnson’s Jazz Classics on our public radio station. His show has been on for more … Read more