Don Kenn Draws Monsters.
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Don Kenn draws monsters on Post-It notes. Via TNH at Making Light.
Personal Technology Coaching
Don Kenn draws monsters on Post-It notes. Via TNH at Making Light.
Here’s one of the catch-up posts – one of the oldest drafts in the bucket. I saved this Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 iTunes Smart Playlists link back in February of 2008. So, it’s old but the ideas are good ones. I have much too much music that I haven’t heard in too long, and … Read more
I went googling for something or other and one of the links was to this. Timothy McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: McSweeney’s Recommends. I regained my sense of time after several minutes, and had only scrolled about a third of the page. This is a huge list of podcasts, books, movies, foods, music, experiences, and ideas. You’ll … Read more
Have you played with one of these $100 network attached storage servers? I just found out about them today. They’re “Plug computers”—a solid-state wall-wart-sized low-power-drawing Linux server; attach a Gigabit Ethernet connection to your router and a USB drive for storage, and you’ve got file sharing and media streaming on your home LAN and over … Read more
30 Best Blogs of 2009 – Like I’ll have the time to go and actually read these. I want to, but I have to get stuff done, too.
I am making a concerted effort to adopt Evernote into my brain.
A terrific turn of phrase from Josh Marshall.
I have a nephew who shouldn’t see this until after Halloween.
Dessine moi un objet » Blog Archive » Iphone and Itouch paper stand / dock [LETTER US SIZE]. Many thanks to Dessine moi un objet for the template and the photlef