Cooking (Large Cuts of) Meat – NYT

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I love this kind of article. Matt and Ted Lee explain how and why to roast entire bone-in legs of lamb, untrimmed beef brisket, whole fresh hams. I love well roasted meat. My family has historically roasted whole bone-in legs of lamb, with lots of garlic. This Sunday we’re having a southern-style ham, already smoked, ... Read more

An Aquatic Motif

New photos up top: the fountains at the Bellagio, dancing to Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, an excellent introduction; and the gondolas outside the Venezia. [Update: Nah. Got up this morning and didn’t like those. I’ll find uses for those and other images from Las Vegas, but I like these from Grand Canyon: three … Read more

Bruce Almighty on April 2

I’ve made a page for Bruce Almighty, and put up a quick handul of links. More thorough considerations for watching it will be up Real Soon Now.

The New Old Look

After reading some help files, I made some guesses that worked out, and the familiar look here is back, but with the “Pages” navigation at top left that makes it easier to find the separate pages regarding Sunday School, individual films, and so on. I’ve made a brief page for Hoop Dreams, and will add … Read more

WP CSS Styles

Alex King’s Dots Theme, which was the basis for my first WordPress design. It was for WP 1.2, and I successfully adapted it to 1.5 when that came out. If I could get links to Pages to display properly, I’d still use it. If and when I can learn how to modify themes myself, I’ll … Read more

Temporary Change in Design

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I like the older design of (tiny screenshot at left), but I needed a layout that put the Pages links near the top so people in my Film and Faith Sunday School class could more easily find the pages about the upcoming films. Hence this standard layout until I can find one that allows … Read more

Crash discussion coming Sunday

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I’ll have links to readings about this Oscar winnah in another day or so. I’ll send an email to the group when they’re up. I also sent an email with links to the Probing Questions handout from the Ransom Fellowship site.

Found via Bill Bumgarner: PhotoFiltre, a shareware image editor; no time to look at it now (ought not to be blogging her from work, but had to put it somewhere and didn’t think it was right for DV4T.