Two Point Seven

Installed the latest WordPress update but have had little chance to investigate. Had a permissions problem at my host but got it quickly settled. p>a href=””>img src=”” alt=”” width=”225” height=”300” class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-364” />/a>/p> ————Edit – above you see the mess left when I try to create a post including a photo uploaded from the … Read more

Diamond Jim Ate How Much?

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The New York Times looks at the legend of Diamond Jim and finds he’s most likely a mortal like us all. But he dreamed big dreams, no doubt, and ate well.

A Favorite Portable Chess Set

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Stefan and I try to meet for lunch several times a month, and we usually play chess while we do. I have a couple of different small magnetic sets that we’ve used. I got lucky several years ago and found a nice portable Drueke set for a good price because one of the plastic bishops … Read more

Blog Envy:’s`Favorite Food Blogs

Blog Envy: Tips, Tools & Ingredients : A slide show of food blogs would seem tto be too media rich; I mean, why blog about blogs with a Flash-based slide show? Oh, right, advertising. I look forward to checking out the actual blogs soon, though, as I’m at work and can’t stop to read … Read more