Still testing
Has we got a pic? No: the LibXML2 Fix plugin needs to be activated too. One more test from the iPhone in a minute.
Personal Technology Coaching
Has we got a pic? No: the LibXML2 Fix plugin needs to be activated too. One more test from the iPhone in a minute.
Hello, world!
Will this post work? Heres an image: _Edit: fixed. Somehow this site’s xmlrpc file got changed. Details here.
Some kind of wreck closed I-75 at exit 32 south of Macon—just now we had to exit the highway and get right back on. No visible wreckage but more than a half dozen emergency vehicles, and an ambulance pulling away just as we took the exit ramp. I wanted a pic of all the police … Read more
Taking Greyhound to Savannah to see Ellen. Shes been in south Georgia all week seeing clients in schools and school systems, and ended in Savannah. The forecast includes rain unfortunately, but Savannah in bloom should be lovely anyway. More later…. Edit: removed f@ยข&ed up image-embed code; testing a fix now. Later edit: image file got … Read more
Google’s logo today: What’s not to like?
Ruth Schmitt gets well-deserved recognition at Creative Loafing’s Fresh Loaf blog. Profile: Ruth Schmitt, war protester briefly explains her background and her participation in six and a half years of anti-war protest at Colony Square. She’s a friend and fellow parishioner at North Decatur Presbyterian Church. Go, Ruth! Thanks to CL for the pic.
Sent today to the congressman via his web site. Dear Representative Price, I am a constituent of yours, a registered independent, and like others in your district I worry about too much control in the hands of Democrats. Today though I’m writing because of my disappointment after watching a video of your $30 million for … Read more
An interesting commute on the train this morning. Well down the platform from where I came up, a guy was yelling and cursing at someone I couldn’t see. He stopped after I think less than a minute. I felt a little anxious and hoped it wouldn’t be a fight, but nothing came of it. I … Read more