A Big Frickin Zucchini

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Farmer Stu shares his bounty.

Five Points, 5:38 pm

Twice a day for nearly twelve years, Ive seen this view looking north walking between work and the train station. I like this view… though I still dont think the Coke sign adds anything worth seeing. For one thing, the clock has been wrong since the rest of us sprang forward about two months ago.

Recycled Racers Greyhound Care Manual

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Recycled Racers, a greyhound adoption group in Colorado, has a great trove of information about greyhound adoption in their online Greyhound Care Manual. (It’s all about you, Gracie.) We’ve got the bed, brush, toy, raised food dish, leash, and soon will have the compostable poop pick-up bags. We’ll see if we need a gate for … Read more

Out With The Old

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Saturday is one of two days a year that Decatur accepts just about any kind of electronics for recycling. We’ve got an old coffee maker that’s missing the carafe, a decrepit PC with a bad power supply, some old big batteries, cell phones, and some other odds and ends. Some of these things are toxic, ... Read more