Stefan Ritter On His Pottery

My particular friend Stefan, an attorney who throws pots, was interviewed in the local free weekly after some of his work was in a gallery show in Decatur.

In L.A.

We landed in Los Angeles at midday Saturday almost a month ago, and this post has been languishing. So here’s a quick compedium of what we did our first few days. Saturday: arrived, visited, fell asleep after watching Phoebe in Wonderland Sunday: had terrific breakfast at Black Cow Cafe in Montrose: poached eggs with orange … Read more

Photos from California, Part One

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Here are inks to several photo albums I posted from the first part of our trip to California. At the Wagner’s July 1st Party on July 3rd July 4th Descanso Gardens The Getty Museum Update – I’m changing these links gradually. The first albums I linked to used Flash, and I prefer a different method. ... Read more


Strolling the stalls at the Art•B•Que show in Avondale Estates east of the city. Immediately found Jason drawing Monsters And Robots I Have Known. See more of Jason’s work at his Red Rocket Farm website. Very fun stuff. Update: corrected link to Jason’s website.