Thirty Seconds on MARTA
A small slice of my commute, paralleling GA 400 between the stations at Buckhead and near Northside Hospital.
Personal Technology Coaching
A small slice of my commute, paralleling GA 400 between the stations at Buckhead and near Northside Hospital.
Jason Kottke pointed to “this fascinating Reddit discussion, I won a $30 million lottery jackpot and have spent the last 5 years traveling the world. I find myself contemplating what I’d do with a fortune when I see the tens of millions in lottery prizes on the billboards around town. I try not to spend … Read more
We had unprecedented amounts of water running into the culvert in our front yard, but nothing like what happened in other places around Atlanta.
We have had rain, we have it now, and they say we’ll have it for the next week. Map image grabbed from the excellent WunderMap site. You can have your Weather Channels; this is way mo better.
About to leave to pick up my mother for her 80th birthday celebration. It’s a surprise, and my sister Janine has worked for a long while to make this happen. We’ve got a room reserved at Violette, a French restaurant well north of downtown Atlanta but still within the inner burbs. We’ll have about 70 … Read more
Download now or watch on posterous IMG_0912.MOV (2702 KB) Wayne extolls the virtues of the local brew. Posted via email from timmerritt’s posterous
Posted via web from timmerritt’s posterous
> Seen this morning at the Dragon*Con Parade: > > Posted via email from timmerritt’s posterous
I want to eat these Two tasty things that Creative Loafing’s Omnivore blog writes about.
Gracie wants to play: Posted via email from timmerritt’s posterous